Call for Papers: MLA 2019 CHICAGO

Call for Papers: MLA 2019 CHICAGO

Extended deadline for submitting abstract for MLA 2019 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama
Performing Sovereignty and Migration

Forum: LLC 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama
Papers examining how dramatized sovereign figures, their allies and adversaries, and performing immigrants and citizens respond to multiple forms of (in)voluntary migration. 250-word abstract & CV by 26 March 2018; Sherry M. Velasco (

Models of Caregiving

Forum: LLC 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Drama
Papers exploring caregiving, parents and offspring, healers and patients, and alternative models staged in early modern comedias and interludes, within and across generations. 250-word abstract & CV by 26 March 2018; Sherry M. Velasco (

The Forum on 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian Poetry and Prose invites you to submit abstracts on the subject of sexual violence and coercion in the Hispanic Monarchy.

Session title: Early Modern #metoo
Description: Early modern Spanish prose and poetry reveal the operations of patriarchy very clearly; even putatively consensual relationships between men and women are often revealed to be contexts for the coercion and exploitation of women. Can these representations be utilized to speak to our moment? In what ways can the history of Iberian women’s authorship, patronage, influence, and resistance be activated to meet twenty-first-century needs? Are hashtag movements the new arbitrismo or the new exempla? We invite papers that analyze, historicize, and/or mobilize the early modern antecedents of #metoo, #timesup, and other recent solidarity-building efforts. Please submit 250-word abstracts to Ana Rodríguez Rodríguez ( by March 15.

Allied Organization: Cervantes Society of America
New Approaches to Digital Cervantes Scholarship.

How do the digital humanities contribute to our understanding of the works of Cervantes? Topics may include distant reading, data mining, cluster analysis, interpretive visualizations, or digital Cervantes in the classroom.
Please send a 150-word abstract and brief bio to Carolyn Nadeau, before March 15th, 2018.

Allied Organization: GEMELA: Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer en España y las Américas (pre-1800)

Transactional Agency in Spanish Early Modern and Colonial Women-Authored Texts

Seeking papers on the intersection of agency and transactional encounters widely conceptualized in women-authored texts. 300-word abstract and short professional bio. by 23 March 2018; Rosilie Hernández (
Posted 22 February 2018

CFP: MLA 2019 – “A New World of Poetry”
How do poetry and poetics on both sides of the Atlantic respond to the Spanish encounter with American cultures, its challenge to epistemological models? Please send 250-word abstracts and 3-page CV by 23 March 2018 to Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez ( and Angelica Duran (

“Doing ‘Relevance’: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives.
This roundtable aims to provoke dialogue around what ‘relevance’ means, practically, in terms of research, teaching, public advocacy, etc. for those of us who work in pre-1700 fields. Please submit 200 words abstracts to by March 15.